Coming up for air

Sorry about not being around a lot.  The thing about being an introvert is that we can sometimes retreat within ourselves without knowing it and for no reason at all.  It’s especially easy when we’ve made peace with ourselves.  No demons to fight anymore, so there is more room 🙂 Another way to describe it would be a dolphin or whale in the ocean.  We are comfortable in the water and only now and then come up for air.  And then the land animals see us too… 🙂

I’ve been on leave during November and December, followed by having pneumonia in January. (Two days in hospital). Who wants to be sick in summer?  Summer is my favorite season.  We have long days and lots of thunderstorms.  I love clouds.  South Africa is a sunny country and I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say we have sun at least 360 of the 365 days of the year.  It’s a busy time, because we have more time for friends.  A lot of the time we went to bed well past midnight.  Annette and I talked about the fact that we’ve probably have more friends now than ever before.  Definition of a friend…someone who comes to your aid at three in the morning regardless the distance they have to travel.  What is your definition of a friend?  One of our friends has a farm and we went there with 4 sets of friends.  You can read about it here.  We had a wonderful time.

At the beginning of the holiday season, we went to a photographer to take some studio photos of our family.  These are some of my favorites.

Laura - our rose
Laura - our rose
Pieter - he always looks like he knows something we don't
Pieter - he always looks like he knows something we don't
Enette - our butterfly
Enette - our butterfly
And finally - the whole family
And finally - the whole family

I’ll see how the blogging will go on from now on.  I’m starting to feel ready to blog again.  I think it will become more personal as time goes by.  I struggle to talk about “my life”.  Perhaps, I believe that the less I share about me, the less I will dissappoint others.  To my friends here in the blogging world, thanks for everything.  Sorry, for my absence the past months.  I’ve been around, but my talking dried up for some reason.

I know this is terribly late, but I hope you had a wonderful festive time.(For some a long time ago.)  If it was not so great, then come and visit us at the end of this year.  We know how to do nothing very well 🙂 and there is always room for one more.  As for 2009, may it be a year in which we discover our Father again and again.  May we always stand amazed when we see His love in action and when days are dark, may we find refuge in Him.  I pray that you find peace in the noise and friends that walk the WALK with you.

God bless.

7 thoughts on “Coming up for air

  1. What a wonderful post. Good to hear from you again and see your lovely family. I too have been quiet a bit but have some thoughts rolling around to post someday soon maybe. This time of not posting has been filled with friends and family. More talking – less writing. I love seasons though and delight in each one. Blessings

  2. Hi Jeff,
    thanks and I loved the title of your post. For those who haven’t read it you can find it here

    Hi Barb, I love seasons too. I stressed a lot when the blogging stopped, but after a while I made peace and here I am again 🙂 We’ve also spend a lot of time with family and friends. God bless.

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